Event Detail

2024 Loogootee Grazing School Workshop

August 2-3, 2024

Farm of Steve J Stoll

12307 E 500 N Loogootee, IN


Schedule of Events

August 2, 2024 

1:00pm Welcome/Introductions
1:10pm Host Farm Information 
1:20pm Why Manage Your Grazing System?
1:30pm Web Soil Survey
1:50pm Roots, Shoots, Leaves, Sun, Photosynthesis, and Grazing
2:35pm The Tall Fescue Dilemma
2:55pm Break
3:10pm Considerations for Paddock Design
3:25pm Water System Design & Components (Inside & Outside)
4:10pm Plant-induced Animal Disorders
5:10pm Break/Travel to Pasture
5:30pm Go To Pasture and Watch Animals Move
5:45pm Wrap up and Questions


August 3, 2024

8:30am Welcome Back/Questions from Friday
8:40am Pasture Soil Fertility and Nutrient Cycling
9:25am Break
9:40am Fencing (Outside)
10:40am Pasture Ecology and Soil Health
11:25am Understanding Animal Nutritional Needs and Forage Quality
12:10pm Lunch
12:55pm Move to Pasture
1:10pm Forage ID/Weed ID/Pasture Evaluation
2:25pm Return to Classroom
2:40pm Extending the Grazing Season
3:25pm Record Keeping
3:45pm Final Questions/Survey/Wrap up